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We are here to help you remove those limits.

Imagine a world where you had a financial strategy that you KNEW would work NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENED in the markets and on wall street? What would you do? How would you act differently? We believe you’d be MUCH BETTER in your business, in your family, with your health, and in every other aspect of your life.

We Call That Living a “Big Life”
And It’s What We Are All About!

Even though money isn’t the end goal (living a BIG LIFE is), we understand that without the proper resources, being at your best can be tough!  That’s why we’ve developed strategies designed to free you from the financial bondage that holds you back. We don’t use the traditional wall street approach because it’s already been proven to fail most people. Instead, we incorporate strategies that create certainty AND flexibility so that you can come out on top under nearly any set of circumstance.  

Nothing in life is absolutely guaranteed, but we believe we’ve gotten as close as possible when it comes to wealth strategy. If you’d like to know more about how we work, or to see what we can do with YOUR situation, simply let us know by scheduling a complimentary 1-on-1 strategy session.  We will take the time to understand who YOU are and what YOU want to accomplish. Then we will go to work to help you build an iron-clad action plan and create the structure for you to live the BIG LIFE!

Derick Van Ness
Founder & Wealth Strategist
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